our team
JUDr. Ondřej Trubač, Ph.D., LL.M.
Email: ondrej.trubac@brizatrubac.cz
- Charles University Faculty of Law (Masters in 2002, Juris Doctor in 2005, Ph.D. in 2009)
- Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (LL.M. in 2003)
Main fields of expertise
Judicial and administrative proceedings, procedural tax law, criminal tax law, criminal liability of legal entities, tax proceedings and consequent representation before administrative courts.
Language of provided services
- Czech
- German
- English
Vocational exams
- Bar exam
Membership in arbitral, vocational, proffesional and advisy institutions and boards
- Czech Bar Association; Member of the Board of Directors, Member of the Section for Public Law
- IFA International Fiscal Association, Czech republic
- Member of the doctoral program board of Theoretical Legal Sciences - Financial Law and Financial Science
Past working experience
Havel, Holásek & Partners
Gleiss Lutz, v.o.s., Praha, Česká republika
Vorlíčková & Leitner s.r.o., Praha, Česká republika
Ondřej is a co-founder of Bříza & Trubač Attorneys at Law. In his practice, he focuses on complex tax law issues, especially representing clients in disputes with tax authorities, whether in tax proceedings or in administrative and constitutional court proceedings. He also focuses on criminal tax law, related issues of active repentance and criminal liability of legal entities. On a regular basis, he gives lectures to university students and practitioners, publishes in professional journals and co-organises conferences (e.g., Criminal Tax Law, Tax Compliance). He has co-authored commentaries on the Financial Administration Act, the Proof of Assets Act and the Civil Code, as well as a successful publication entitled „Defence Against Tax Inspection“.
Ondřej has experience with client's representation in the tax proceedings, in particular during tax controls (he is the co-author of a successful publication titled Defence Against Tax Inspection) and by means of consequent actions before administrative courts against the tax administrator's decisions, in disputes often concerning dozens of million Czech crowns. Before administrative courts he also dealt with different administrative actions from the customs law area. In connection with the Act on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities coming into force in the Czech Republic he dealt with the implementation of corresponding provisions into the internal rules of companies.
Publications and presentations
- Krupičková, L., Trubač, O., Act on Financial Administration in the Czech Republic: Wolters Kluwer 2014 – co-author
- Zatloukal, T., Tax Control in a Wider Context (In Czech original: Daňová kontrola v širších souvislostech), Prague: C. H. Beck 2008 – cooperation on the publication
- Vorlíčková, L. (ed.), Criminal Tax Law. Compilation of Contributions at the IInd International Conference on the 18 February 2008 in Prague. (In Czech original: Trestní právo daňové. Sborník příspěvků z II. mezinárodní konference konané 18. února 2008) Prague: C. H. Beck 2008 – cooperation on the publication
- Zatloukal, T. (ed.), Criminal Tax Law. Compilation of Contributions at the Ist International Conference on the 27 October 2006. (In Czech original: Trestní právo daňové. Sborník příspěvku z I. mezinárodní konference konané 27. října 2006). Prague: C. H. Beck 2007 – cooperation on the publication
- Dráb, O., Trubač, O., Zatloukal, T., Defence Against Tax Inspection (In Czech original: Obrana před daňovou kontrolou), Prague: Aspi, a.s. 2006 – co-author
- Tax Administration – compulsory class at the Faculty of Business and Economics, Mendel University in Brno, summer semester 2013, teacher
- Financial Law – cooperation with the Charles University Law Faculty´s Department of Financial Law and Finances
- Issues linked to the limits of permissibility of tax optimizations and active repentance specificities in the criminal tax law – presentation at the Karlovy Vary Legal Days 2013
- Civil Code VI. Law of obligations. Special part. Commentary (in Czech original: Občanský zákoník VI. Závazkové právo. Zvláštní část. Komentář) 1. Edition, Prague: C.H.Beck, 2014 - co-author
- Are really all incomes subject to taxation? Seminar of the Supreme Administrative Court and the Judicial Academy, Kroměříž, May 2009 – speaker
- IInd International Criminal Tax Law Conference, February 2008 – speaker
- Remuneration of executive stock companies (in Czech original: Odměňování exekutivy akciových společností), Prague, Wolters Kluwer, 2017 - co-autor
Conference of Criminal Tax Law 2018 (in Czech original: Konference Trestní právo daňové 2018) - co-organizer/lecturer
Conference of Criminal Tax Law 2019 (in Czech original: Konference Trestní právo daňové 2019) - co-organizer/lecturer
Conference of Criminal Tax Law 2020 (in Czech original: Konference Trestní právo daňové 2020) - co-organizer/lecturer
Last news
Seminar at the Judicial Academy: Tax Criminal Law Under Scrutiny
Today, our partners, Patrik Koželuha and Ondřej Trubač, had the opportunity (often unique for lawyers) to lecture at the Judicial Academy in Kroměříž before representatives of the judiciary (especially criminal judges and prosecutors). The topic of their presentation was evidence in tax proceedings.
Our firm has been ranked in the Chambers and Partners Guide
We are delighted to have been ranked in this year's Chambers Europe Guide by Chambers and Partners. This ranking is particularly valuable to us as it is based on our clients' reviews.
Ondřej Trubač is ranked in the category Taxpayer of the Year in the private sector in SLUTO DAŇOVÁ & ÚČETNÍ firma roku 20233
On February 7, 2024, our partner Ondřej Trubač was ranked 2nd in the category of Taxpayer of the Year in the private sector in SLUTO DAŇOVÁ & ÚČETNÍ firma roku 2023.