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JUDr. Jan Exner, Ph.D.
Email: jan.exner@brizatrubac.cz
- Charles University Faculty of Law (Master in 2016, Juris Doctor in 2018, Ph.D. in 2022)
- Executive Masters in Sport Organizations Management (KU Leuven, 2021)
- Diplôme d'Études du Droit de l'Union Européenne (Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, 2015)
Other study visits
- Erasmus (Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, 2014-2015)
- International Olympic Academy (2011)
Awards and scholarships
- Bolzano Prize for the best dissertation of Charles University in the social science category, dissertation Fight against Doping in Sport in Interaction with European Union Law: Proportionality of Ineligibility and Anti-Doping Education (2023)
- Faculty of Law of Charles University Praemium Excellentiae Award (outstanding creative result: dissertation, 2022, best teacher, 2021, outstanding creative result: monograph Sporting Nationality in the Context of European Union Law, 2019)
- Winning the Czech-Slovak Law Competition for the best student thesis (2013, 2015, 2019)
Language of provided services
- Czech
- English
- French
Vocational exams
- Bar exam
Membership in professional organisations
- Lecturer at the European Law Department of the Charles University Faculty of Law
- Arbitrator of the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne
- Member of the Commission for European Law of the Legislative Council of the Government
- Member of the Czech Society for European and Comparative Law
Past working experience
- Czech Olympic Committee
- Czech Anti-Doping Committee
- World Aquatics (formerly FINA)
- International Orienteering Federation
- Office of the Government Agent for Representation of the Czech Republic before the CJEU
Jan is an attorney-at-law specializing in sports law and EU law. He has extensive practical and theoretical experience in these areas.
Prior to becoming an attorney, he worked for a number of years as a lawyer or arbitrator in the environment of sports organisations, in particular the Czech Olympic Committee and the World Aquatics.
In addition, he is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Law of Charles University.
Selected publications
- Fight Against Doping, Good Governance, and Education: What are the Roles and Responsibilities of the Czech Olympic Committee? (Sports Law, Policy and Diplomacy Journal, 2023)
- Smlouva o Evropské unii. Smlouva o fungování Evropské unie. Listina základních práv EU. Komentář [Treaty on European Union. Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU. Commentary.] (Wolters Kluwer, 2022, member of the author’s collective, Articles 165 a 166 SFEU)
- Intent, Substances of Abuse, Aggravating Circumstances, Protected Persons and Recreational Athletes: Does the World Anti-Doping Code 2021 Provide Proportionate Sanctions? (International Sports Law Journal, 2022)
- Právo Evropské unie [Law of the European Union] (Leges, 2021, member of the author’s collective)
- Fixed Sanction Frameworks in the World Anti-Doping Codes 2015 and 2021: Can Hearing Panels Go Below the Limits in the Pursuit of Proportionate Punishments? (International Sports Law Journal, 2020)
- Sporting Nationality in the Context of European Union Law (Heidelberg: Springer, 2019)
- Anti-Doping and Athletes’ Rights under EU Law: Four-Year Period of Ineligibility as Disproportionate Sanction? (International Sports Law Journal, 2018)
Last news
Bříza & Trubač Law Firm Successfully Assisted in Another M&A Transaction
The Bříza & Trubač law firm contributed to the successful completion of a transaction in which GoodGroup a.s. sold 100% of its stake in Datacruit s.r.o. to the technology group Seyfor.
The law firm Bříza & Trubač contributed to the creation of exemplary investment documentation for startups.
Our law firm, Bříza & Trubač, has become a part of the CzechStartupDocumentation initiative. This initiative, which brought together the strengths of 19 renowned law firms, has released sample investment documentation for startups for free use. It is available on the website czechstartupdocs.com.
In his contribution to EPRAVO.CZ, attorney David Línek drew attention to the issue of assessing agreements on resale pricing (so-called RPM agreements
This type of agreement is one of the most frequently penalized offenses by the Czech Office for the Protection of Competition for violating competition law. However, the current practice of Czech authorities may not be fully in line with the current case law of the European Union Court of Justice.