Criminal Law
In the area of criminal law, we assist mainly in the following two areas: criminal tax law and criminal liability of legal entities.
Criminal Tax Law
In case of any discrepancies in your tax return, you are not only at risk of an additional tax (including the appropriate sanction) from the tax authority, but also of a criminal sanction. The client often deals with both tax and criminal proceedings simultaneously. The added value of our law firm is that we can represent you in both proceedings, while the client benefits from a unified and consistent legal representation.
In this area we provide mainly the following services:
- defense of natural and legal persons;
- legal assistance in criminal proceedings;
- representation of victims in criminal proceedings;
- legal consultation and analysis.
Criminal Liability of Legal Entities
Pursuant to the Act on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities, under certain circumstances, a conduct of employees can be attributed to a legal entity. A monetary penalty for such legal entity can then reach more than one billion Czech crowns. In this connection a prevention become increasingly important – it is necessary to focus on setting such internal mechanisms in a company that they will act as a prevention and at the same time they will be able to reveal a potential unlawful conduct of the company´s employees or bodies.
In the area of compliance, Bříza & Trubač Attorneys at Law provide their clients legal services aimed in particular at:
- General preventive compliance counselling
- Management training
- Legal audit of the company's operation
- Drafting of code of ethics / conduct
- Counselling in the area of criminal tax law
- Representation before individual state bodies
- Criminal liability of legal entities

Ondřej Trubač
Expert on criminal law

Patrik Koželuha
Expert on criminal law
Latest news in the field
Ondřej Trubač and Kristián Léko for Lidové noviny
Does every tax assessment lead to criminal liability? You can find the answer in today's article of Lidové noviny in Law & justice section.
Bříza & Trubač organized the 2nd Conference of Criminal Law Tax
The second conference on the dynamically developing topic of criminal tax law was organized by our law firm in cooperation with EPRAVO.CZ.
Bříza & Trubač has achieved tremendous success in the “Law firm of the year” ranking
Our law firm has been - once again - very successful in the most prestigious domestic law competition - the “Law firm of the year”.