In cooperation with EPRAVO.CZ, we are preparing an online conference on the topic "Legislative News or What to Watch Out for in 2024."
The law firm Bříza & Trubač, in collaboration with EPRAVO.CZ, is organizing an online conference focusing on legislative updates for the year 2024. This inaugural seminar of the year, scheduled for January 17, 2024, starting at 9:00 AM, will encompass crucial information about the most significant changes in legal regulations that will impact both business entities and the everyday lives of citizens.
During this interactive meeting, attendees will be guided through the significant jurisprudence of the year 2023 that influences the business environment. The conference will introduce changes in tax regulations and provide insights into updates regarding the functioning of members of statutory bodies. Likewise, attention will be given to innovations in labor law and the new law protecting whistleblowers. Finally, the conference will touch upon the new institute of insolvency law, namely, preventive restructuring.
Representatives from our firm at the conference include lawyers Ondřej Trubač, Patrik Koželuha, Barbora Klimešová, Martin Bareš, and Tereza Železná. Additionally, tax advisors Martina Neklapil and Miroslav Král from the tax consultancy firm LeitnerLeitner will also be presenting.
For more information, including registration details, please find it HERE.