our team

JUDr. Petr Bříza, LL.M., Ph.D.

Email: petr.briza@brizatrubac.cz



  • Charles University Faculty of Law [Masters (summa cum laude) in 2003, Juris Doctor in 2004, Ph.D. in 2012]
  • New York University School of Law (LL.M., 2008)
  • Diploma in English and European Union Law (University of Cambridge, Institute of Continuing Education, 2007)

Other study visits

  • Academy of European Law, European University Institute, Florence (July 2006)
  • Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C. (July – August 2007)

Awards and scholarships

  • Author Prize for the best legal publication of 2011 (for the book titled National Application of the European Union Law (in Czech original: Vnitrostátní aplikace práva Evropské unie), with M. Bobek a J. Komárek as co-authors)
  • Randa's Foundation Award for the best diploma thesis from the commercial law and related fields of law (2003)
  • Innovative Lawyer 2016
  • Fulbright Scholarship, Hauser Global Scholarship, Starr Foundation Global Law School Scholarship
  • Various accolades within legal directories (e.g., Who's Who Legal)

Main fields of expertise

Judicial proceedings and arbitration on both the national and international levels, international trade and investment protection, EU law, contracts, mediation, personal data protection, consumer law, public sector.

Language of provided services

  • Czech
  • English

Vocational exams

  • Bar Exam (with honors)
  • Registered mediator's examination (in accordance with the Act on Mediation)

Membership in arbitral, vocational, professional and advisory institutions and boards

  • Senior Lecturer at the Commercial Law Department of the Charles University Faculty of Law
  • Arbitrator and member of the board of the Arbitration Court attached to the Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic and Agricultural Chamber of the Czech Republic
  • Arbitrator of the National Arbitration Court for Sport
  • Arbitrator on the LCIA List of Arbitrators and on the VIAC List of Practitioners in International Arbitration
  • ICC Commission on International Arbitration

  • Commission for European Law of the Government Legislative Council
  • Czech Bar Association
  • Czech Bar Association's advisory section for the EU law, international law and international relations
  • Section of the Czech Bar Association for Arbitration
  • Czech Society for European and Comparative Law (co-founder)

Past working experience

  • Havel, Holásek & Partners
  • Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic

Petr is a co-founder of Bříza & Trubač Attorneys at Law. In his practice, he focuses on a rather wide scope of legal services, in particular on those from the area of judicial proceedings and arbitration, and commercial matters in general. He is sought out primarily as an expert on EU law, international trade law (including arbitration and investment protection), private international law and contracts, on which he also often authors expert opinions. It is primarily in these areas on which he regularly lectures and publishes, both in the Czech Republic and abroad. Petr is also active in the field of academia and works as a senior lecturer at the Department of Business Law at the Charles University Faculty of Law, where he primarily teaches Private International Law and International Commercial Law. He is also an arbitrator and an examining commissioner at bar exams by the Czech Bar Association. He also used to serve as a mediator. Before the establishment of Bříza & Trubač he had worked for almost 4 years for the largest law firm in the Czech Republic and before that for almost 5 years at the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic (among others as a Minister´s advisor for the European and International law during the Czech Presidency in the Council of the EU).


Petr has experience with representation in multimillion or billion worth disputes in the areas of international investment and commercial arbitration, mediation, national judicial proceedingsand arbitration. He has participated in the representation or directly represented clients during ICC, LCIA, DISand ICSID arbitrations, before the EU Court of Justice or the General Court, and in relation to the European Commission. He negotiated a settlement in a multijurisdictional dispute with the government of the United Kingdom. Within the areas of hisexpertise he provided legal advice to EU institutions, banks, financial groups, automobile producers, engineering enterprises, construction companies, state authorities, and other entities from throughout the economy´s sectors. As an arbitrator he has experience with resolving dozens of disputes at arbitration institutions both in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Selected Publications

  • Vnitrostátní aplikace práva Evropské unie [National Application of European Union Law]. 2nd edition. Prague: C.H. Beck, 2022 [co-authored with Michal Bobek and Pavlína Hubková]
  • Převody obchodních podílů a akcií [Share Transfers]. Prague: Wolters Kluwer, 2022 [member of a team of authors];
  • Czech perspective on validity of international arbitration clauses contained in an exchange of emails under the New York Convention, (2020) 4 ACTA UNIVERSITATIS CAROLINAE – IURIDICA 143 (available online)
  • The CISG and the Law Applicable to International Factoring, Assignment, Set-off and Late Payment Interests, (2020) 1 The European Legal Forum 13;
  • Rome I and Rome II Regulations in Practice. London: Intersentia, 2020 [member of a team of authors];
  • International business law [in Czech original: Mezinárodní obchodní právo]. Plzeň: Aleš Čeněk, 2019 [member of a team of authors];
  • Shareholder Agreements [in Czech original: Akcionářské dohody]. Prague: Wolters Kluwer, 2017 [member of a team of authors]; 
  • Civil Code. Commentary. [in Czech original: Občanský zákoník. Komentář]. Prague: C.H. Beck, 2017 [member of a team of authors];
  • International Arbitration - 2nd Edition (Czech Republic chapter). London: GLI, 2016 [co-authored by T. Hokr];
  • Commentary to the Act on Private International Law (in Czech original: Zákon o mezinárodním právu soukromém. Komentář.) Prague: C. H. Beck, 2014 (head of a team of authors);
  • Large commentary of the Civil Code. Volume III. § 419-654 (in Czech original: Občanský zákoník – velký komentář. Svazek III.). Praha: Leges, 2014 [member of a team of authors];
  • Choice of Law and Choice of Court in International Trade (in Czech original: Volba práva a volba soudu v mezinárodním obchodě). Prague: C. H. Beck, 2012;
  • National Application of the European Union Law (in Czech original: Vnitrostátní aplikace práva Evropské unie). Prague: C. H. Beck, 2011 (with M. Bobek and J. Komárek as co-authors);
  • Choice of Court Agreements: Could the Hague Choice of Court Agreements Convention and the Reform of the Brussels I Regulation Be the Way Out of the Gasser-Owusu Disillusion?, (2009) 5 Journal of Private International Law 537;
  • The Czech Constitutional Court on the Lisbon Treaty, 5 (2009) European Constitutional Law Review 143;
  • ECJ case Lucchini SpA – is there anything left of res judicata principle?, 27 Civil Justice Quarterly 40 (2008)

Complete list of Petr Briza’s publications here.

Last news

Petr Bříza has become a member of the editorial board of the Journal of World Investment & Trade.

As of 1 January 2024, the founding partner of our firm, Petr Bříza, has become a member of the editorial board of the prestigious legal journal called The Journal of World Investment & Trade. The Journal of World Investment & Trade (JWIT) focuses on legal aspects of global trade and investment relations, covering topics such as bilateral and multilateral treaties, dispute resolution, and domestic laws related to trade and foreign investment.

Law firm partners heading to Berlin

Barbora Klimešová, Petr Bříza and Tomáš Hokr will attend the regular midyear meeting of SCG Legal in the German capital on 11-12 May. Bříza & Trubač has been a member of this prestigious global network of law firms since 2018.

Listen to Petr Bříza in the podcast zEvropy

One of the firm’s founding partners was a guest on a podcast associated with the Department of European Law at the Faculty of Law of Charles University. In an interview with Michal Říha, they talked about, for example, Petr's career beginnings during the first Czech Presidency of the EU Council in 2009.