Jan Exner received the award for the best teacher of the Faculty of Law, Charles University.

In addition to providing legal services, our lawyer Jan Exner is also involved in academic activities. At the Faculty of Law of Charles University, he teaches sports law and EU law. As part of the Faculty Night Festival 2023, Jan Exner was awarded for outstanding educational activities at the faculty as the best teacher.

The recipients of the award are directly selected by students of the Faculty of Law, Charles University. They evaluate the quality of teaching through a survey in the university system. From the top ten rated teachers, students then choose the three best teachers. Alongside Jan Exner, Marek Dvořák and Jan Wintr also received the award.

"I highly value this award precisely because it comes from the students I teach. It is proof to me that what I do at the faculty makes sense. At the same time, it is a commitment for me to continue to develop and improve as a teacher," said Jan Exner. "I am very pleased that I can combine advocacy with academic activities. Both of these seemingly different worlds have a lot in common and complement each other excellently. I believe that students appreciate the practical experiences I bring to teaching. At the same time, I feel that my academic experience helps me provide legal services more effectively."

An overview of the awarded prizes can be found HERE.