Lada Reisnerová and Anna Kalašnikovová: Choice of Court Agreements Between Entrepreneurs Pursuant to the Brussels I bis Regulation for EPRAVO.CZ

Entrepreneurs often conclude contracts with references to terms and conditions that include a choice of court agreement for resolving potential disputes. According to the Brussels I bis Regulation, such an agreement is legal if the parties clearly express their consent to the terms and conditions, including the jurisdiction clause, and had a genuine opportunity to review these conditions.

Lada Reisnerová and Anna Kalašnikovová from our law firm address the issue of incorporating jurisdiction clauses into contracts in their article and summarize key requirements according to the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. Emphasizing formal requirements, they recommend that entrepreneurs ensure the proper incorporation of terms and conditions into contracts and keep records of their acceptance.

For more information, read their article HERE.