The second edition of the successful publication on EU law with Petr Briza as co-author was published.
The second edition of the book National Application of EU Law, co-authored by Petr Bříza, a founding partner of our law firm, was published in the first half of December. The book is useful due to its focus for all practicing lawyers in the Czech Republic, as EU law lurks at practically every turn.
Other authors of the publication, more than ten years have passed since its first publication, are Pavlína Hubková, currently working at the University of Luxembourg, and Michal Bobek, a judge of the Supreme Administrative Court, who served as Advocate General at the EU Court of Justice from 2015 to 2021.
The book offers readers with a clear overview of the basic principles of national application of EU law, based on many concrete examples (from the case law of the CJEU and national courts). These include direct effect, consistent interpretation, the primacy of EU law, including questions of constitutionality and protection of fundamental rights, and liability for damage caused by a breach of EU law. The aim of the interpretation is to clarify what, how and why it is necessary to deal with EU law in the context of a specific dispute before national courts or administrative authorities.
The book is published by the traditional publisher of legal and economic literature C.H.Beck, in whose e-shop the book can be ordered now.