our team
Mgr. Markéta Polendová
Charles University Faculty of Law (Masters (summa cum laude) in 2021)
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands (Erasmus+, 2019)
Main fields of expertise
Dispute resolution, international private law, EU law, family law, law of obligations.
Language of provided services
- Czech
- English
Past working experience
Markéta is attorney at Bříza & Trubač, attorneys-at-law. During her studies, she worked as a legal assistant at PRK Partners, attorneys-at-law (2016-2017), and at Mgr. Jan Kubica, attorney-at-law (2018-2019). She spent the last year of her studies at Bříza & Trubač working as a paralegal (2020-2021). She completed an internship at the civil section of the District Court in Rokycany (2017). In the third year of her studies, she was a member of the winning team of the Central and Eastern European Moot Competition 2018. She acted as a coach for the Charles University team of 2020 in the same competition.
KOŽELUHA, Patrik, POLENDOVÁ, Markéta. New law on the registration of beneficial owners, 14 April 2021, epravo.cz, available online.
- POLENDOVÁ, Markéta. Dotkne se Vás říjnová novela zákona o evidenci skutečných majitelů? (Will the October amendment to the law on registration of beneficial owners affect you?), 24. 10. 2022, epravo.cz, online abrufbar.
- POLENDOVÁ, Markéta. Komplikace pro sektor stavebnictví: ručení za mzdové nároky subdodavatele (Complications for the construction sector: liability for subcontractor wage claims), 22. 4. 2024, epravo.cz, online abrufbar.
Last news
Complications for the construction sector: liability for subcontractor wage claims
As of 1 January 2024, an amendment to the Labour Code came into force, which introduces an obligation for entrepreneurs in the construction sector to newly guarantee the payment of wages to the employees of their subcontractors, up to the minimum wage.
Bříza & Trubač excelled in another prestigious rating The Legal 500
Our law firm has been recommended in four areas in the current edition of The Legal 500 EMEA 2023.
Markéta Polendová on the register of beneficial owners
An amendment to the law on the register of beneficial owners has been in force since the beginning of October. What impact will the changes it brings have in practice? In an article for EPRAVO.CZ, Bříza & Trubač associate Markéta Polendová discusses them.