Ondřej Trubač took part in a meeting with the Minister of Justice

On November 29, 2013 Ondřej Trubač took part in ceremonial medal awarding.

Article in Právní rozhledy (Legal Horizons) on the new Act on Private International Law

In September's issue of Právní rozhledy, vol. 17/2013, an article by Petr Bříza was published.

Ondřej Trubač will take part in a meeting with the Minister of Justice

On November 29, 2013 Ondřej Trubač is taking part in ceremonial medal awarding.

Article in the Daňový expert (Tax Expert) magazine on the issue of effective repentance in the criminal tax law

In October's issue of journal Daňový expert an article by Ondřej Trubač was published.

It’s good if you want to succeed. Even better if you know how